Welcome to the Edwards Profile Store!

Here you will find a range of selected branded items that are designed to communicate and empower the Edwards brand. All the items available at the Profile Store have been approved by relevant departments within Edwards.

You can browse by category or view all items to look through the entire range of Edwards branded items.

Thank you.
The Profile Store Team


Special things for special events

You can get quality Edwards branded items and clothes customised for anything. Specific events, departments, divisions, projects. Contact the Profile Store. Tell us what you want. We’ll make it happen.

Please contact: profilestore@creon.se

Create brand awareness

Edwards branded items create awareness of our brand wherever you take them. Bike gear with Edwards colors and logo takes our brand out on country roads. Find your gear HERE.

Did you know

With GoGreen, the Brand Store calculates carbon dioxide emissions caused by each shipment, and offset those emissions through external climate protection projects. This results in climate neutral shipments.


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